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Deep Dive into Linux Graphics: From Program to Pixel

Linux graphics is a complex ecosystem involving multiple layers of software and hardware. In this deep dive, I'll explore each component of the Linux graphics stack, from user programs to the final pixel on your screen. On this quest, I will provide practical examples and commands you can run on your Linux machine to interact with these components directly and take a peek under the hood

Why Should You Care?

Understanding the Linux graphics stack can be beneficial for:

  • Developers: Gain insights into how to optimize graphics performance and create visually stunning applications.
  • System Administrators: Troubleshoot graphics-related issues and configure systems for optimal performance.
  • Tech Enthusiasts: Deepen your knowledge of the underlying technology that powers our digital experiences.

I would also mention a special subset of readers for whom this blog would function as compulsory reading - VR/AR/XR enthusiasts and Embedded Engineers building Smart Devices with a screen. There will be a more in-depth version of the graphics stack which will focus specifically on zero copy buffers in the Display stack. Such techniques along with gstreamer advancements are the cornerstone of high framerate Vision ML systems

The Pixel's Epic Quest

Imagine a pixel, a tiny speck of color, trying to make its way onto your screen. Its journey begins with a user program and this intent to light up a pixel traverses myraids of key software and eventually hardware components before an actual photon of light is presented on screen.

Our aim is to go from the highest levels of abstraction down to the lower trenches. Lets begin our journey from the user program itself

A picture is worth a thousand words. Linux Graphics Stack in a nutshell

The Starting Point: User Programs

User programs are the origin of all graphical content on your screen. These can range from simple command-line tools to complex graphical applications like web browsers or video editors.

X11: Creating a Simple X11 Program

Let's create a basic X11 program that opens a window: I am not going into the details of linking libraries and assume someone who's reading this is somewhat aware of how to make this snippet work. If you do find this difficult, drop a message on Twitter and I would be happy to update this section with a detailed set of steps. You can also jump over the code sample and take it at face value.

#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    Display *d;
    Window w;
    XEvent e;
    char *msg = "Hello, X11!";
    int s;

    d = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
    if (d == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open display\n");

    s = DefaultScreen(d);
    w = XCreateSimpleWindow(d, RootWindow(d, s), 10, 10, 200, 100, 1,
                            BlackPixel(d, s), WhitePixel(d, s));
    XSelectInput(d, w, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask);
    XMapWindow(d, w);

    while (1) {
        XNextEvent(d, &e);
        if (e.type == Expose) {
            XDrawString(d, w, DefaultGC(d, s), 10, 50, msg, strlen(msg));
        if (e.type == KeyPress)

    return 0;

Compile this program with:

gcc -o x11_example x11_example.c -lX11

Run it with:


This program demonstrates how an application interacts with the X11 display server to create a window and draw text.

Window Manager: The Organizer

The window manager is responsible for the placement and appearance of windows on your screen. It receives requests from applications to create, move, resize, and destroy windows. Window managers can be categorized into two main "meta" categories. We have a stacking window manager or a tiling window manager. As the name suggests, stacking window managers position new windows one on top of another. On the other hand tiling window managers try to place windows so that all active windows are visible without stacking on top of another window.

Some popular window managers include:

  1. i3/sway: Tiling window managers sharing compatible configuration syntax but i3 being the OG wm supporting both x11/wayland vs sway being a modern wayland tiling wm
  2. GNOME Shell: The default window manager for the GNOME desktop environment
  3. KWin: The window manager for the KDE Plasma desktop
  4. Xfwm: Lightweight stacking window manager from the Xubuntu/Xserver distributions.
  5. Awesome WM: highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X.

Interacting with Window Managers

You can interact with your window manager using various tools and commands provided by the window manager package.

For example, with i3, you can use the i3-msg command:

i3-msg move container to workspace 2

This command moves the currently focused window to workspace 2.

To see which window manager is currently running, you can use:

ps aux | grep -E "i3|gnome-shell|kwin"

Display Server: The Middleman

The display server acts as an intermediary between user applications and the graphics hardware. The two main display server protocols in use today are X11 and Wayland.


X11 is the older, more established protocol. You can check if you're running X11 with:


If it returns "x11", you're using X11.

To see information about your X server, use:

xdpyinfo | less

This command provides details about your display, including the number of screens, color depth, and available extensions.


Wayland is a newer protocol designed to address some of X11's limitations. Check if you're running Wayland:


If it returns "wayland", you're using Wayland.

To list Wayland clients:

sudo ls -l /proc/*/fd | grep wayland

This command shows which processes have open file descriptors to Wayland sockets.

The Linux Kernel: The Core

The Linux kernel provides crucial support for graphics operations through various subsystems. This is where we cross over from userspace to kernel space. To understand the kernel side of the story, we need to make a distinction about exactly what is being rendered on screen?

If we talk about simple windows like text editors and your terminal we are in the realm of 2D rendering. Usually, such 2D rendering is being done by a user program aided by a component library like GTK or QT. Now a days though, most programs including text editors, browsers are increasingly becoming "GPU" rendered. They render 2D elements using 3D primitives while maintaining the ability to render 3D when necessary.

Whether you render 2D primitives or 3D render your elements, usually decides the magic combination of libraries and kernel modules which would work together to bring your scene to life.

User Program > Python > QT

Direct Rendering Manager (DRM)

DRM is responsible for managing GPU memory and providing a communication channel between user space and the GPU.

To see DRM-related kernel messages:

dmesg | grep -i drm

Kernel Mode Setting (KMS)

KMS allows the kernel to set display modes. You can see KMS-related information with:

cat /sys/class/drm/card0/enabled

This shows whether KMS is enabled for your primary graphics card.

Interacting with Graphics Devices

To list graphics devices:

ls /dev/dri/

This directory contains device nodes for your graphics hardware.

GPU: The Powerhouse

The GPU performs the complex calculations necessary to render graphics. Modern Linux systems use various APIs to interact with the GPU.


OpenGL is a widely-used graphics API. To check OpenGL support:

glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version"


Vulkan is a more recent, low-overhead graphics API. Check Vulkan support:

vulkaninfo | grep "Vulkan Instance Version"

If these commands aren't available, you may need to install additional packages:

sudo apt-get install mesa-utils vulkan-tools

Memory Management: Getting Data Where It Needs to Go

Efficient memory management is crucial for graphics performance.


Framebuffers are regions of memory that hold pixel data. To list framebuffer devices:

ls /dev/fb*

To get information about a framebuffer:

fbset -i

Direct Memory Access (DMA)

DMA allows for efficient data transfer between system memory and the GPU. To see DMA-related kernel messages:

dmesg | grep -i dma

Display Pipeline: The Final Stretch

The display pipeline processes pixel data before it reaches your screen.

Display Controller (DC)

The display controller manages the flow of pixel data to your display. You can often find information about it in your system logs:

journalctl -k | grep -i "display controller"

Encoder and Connector

These components prepare the signal for your specific display interface (e.g., HDMI, DisplayPort). To see information about your display connections:

xrandr --prop

This command shows all connected displays and their properties.

The Finish Line: Your Display

Finally, the pixel data reaches your physical display. To get information about your current display settings:

xdpyinfo | grep dimensions

This shows your current screen resolution.

Additional Components


EGL provides an interface between rendering APIs like OpenGL ES and the native platform window system. To check EGL support:


If not available, you may need to install it:

sudo apt-get install libegl1-mesa-dev

V4L2 (Video4Linux2)

V4L2 is the Linux kernel's API for video capture and output. To list V4L2 devices:

v4l2-ctl --list-devices

To see capabilities of a specific device (e.g., /dev/video0):

v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --all

Practical Exercise: Tracing Graphics Operations

Let's put it all together with a practical exercise. We'll trace the journey of a graphics operation from a user program to the display.

  1. First, let's start a simple graphics program:

    glxgears &
  2. Now, let's trace the system calls made by this program:

    strace -p $(pgrep glxgears)

    You'll see various system calls related to X11, memory management, and more.

  3. Let's check which files this process has open:

    lsof -p $(pgrep glxgears)

    You should see references to X11 sockets, shared libraries, and possibly DRM devices.

  4. Now, let's look at the GPU usage:

    sudo intel_gpu_top  # For Intel GPUs
    # or
    sudo radeontop  # For AMD GPUs

    This will show you real-time GPU usage statistics.

  5. Finally, let's check the impact on the display pipeline:

    sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/i915_display_info  # For Intel GPUs

    This shows current display pipeline configuration.

Through this exercise, we've traced a graphics operation from the user program (glxgears), through the X11 server, to the GPU, and finally to the display pipeline.


The Linux graphics stack is a complex but fascinating system. From user programs to the final pixel on your screen, there are numerous components working together to create the visual output we see. By understanding these components and how they interact, we can better optimize, troubleshoot, and appreciate the technology behind our Linux desktops.

Remember, the examples provided here are just the tip of the iceberg. Each component we've discussed has depths of complexity that entire books have been written about. Don't hesitate to dive deeper into any area that particularly interests you!