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Weekly Digest Week 22

  • id: b6439004-221d-4df2-a652-0a9dc4b58936
  • id: 58b5c81f-9f28-43ac-a94f-6fb9c0aa6ef0
  • id: eee3a432-c89f-4303-b77f-2f90dc4bef7d
  • id: e036804f-b61a-49a8-a60c-3626f4ea786e


Drams - Framer components inspired by Dieter Rams' principles

Omnivore | Original

Elevate your digital projects with sleek Framer UI elements inspired by Dieter Rams. Explore buttons, sliders & components designed for simplicity & functionality.



The Complex But Awesome CSS border-image Property — Smashing Magazine

Omnivore | Original

The CSS border-image property is one of those properties you undoubtedly know exists but may not have ever reached for. In this article, Temani Afif demonstrates different approaches for using border-image to create clever decorative accents and shapes.



jianfch/stable-ts: Transcription, forced alignment, and audio indexing with OpenAI's Whisper

Omnivore | Original

Transcription, forced alignment, and audio indexing with OpenAI's Whisper - jianfch/stable-ts



Website_Download_Splash_1.3.2-numfix.png (1600×600)

Omnivore | Original


Website_Download_Splash_1.3.2-numfix.png (1600×600) ⤴️ ^cbccc355

Wouldn't it be great to have a way to generate this at random, for a given phrase.

write a three.js application which creates isometric drawings in the following format.
Input: background color: rgb input_phrase: string <5 words.

Output isometric grid. with medium spacing. background color from input used as isometric space background. phraase layed out in a readable way as if its written using scrabble tiles. tiles can be single character or word tiles. letters in the tile can be colored. a single word shoudl always use consistent color. All charachters should be upper case.

Decorations. It should place < 3 boxes at random places. Each box can have varying size [small , mid, large] atleast 30% of the grid should have random tiles with an emoji icon. All emoji tiles should have the same small size.

Eg input: background color: #ffeedc phrase: 20 years together inkscape 1.3.2

Output: attached image.
