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Geeta Readings

Chapter 4

Verse 34 - Lord Krishna talks about going to spiritual masters and learning. - A Spiritual teacher should be selfless

Verse 35-37


What does life look like after you realize.

Attachment and our difficulty to detach from it is what ties us to maya.

Arjuna not taking action against his relatives, even though he knows there was an adharma, and his duty as a kshatriya were compelling him to act. But it was his maya and moh which was stopping him from acting and paralysing him. Its like a police officer saying I will punish a wrong doer except when they are my relatives

All beings, from brahma to a blade of grass, you will see that eveythig is the same, and you will see you are itself the same.

Spiritual people become sensitive to wrong doing. They believe their karma gets tainted. It shows a growth. Its a good thing. But know that if you attain ultimate realization, it will help you navigate this eternal sea / bhavsagar, samsara / and get you to the ultimate truth. Your spirituality is a sign of good past karma which has set you sail on this journey.

How can knowledge get you across / samsara /?

Imagine your karma, both good and bad, is like an endless mountain of cotton. It will take you a lot of time to get rid of this pile of cotton.
Knowledge is like a great burning fire. It can set ablaze this cotton and will make this cotton vanish in a blink.

Shree Ram and a Boatman / kevat / crossing.

In india there is a tradition where people from the same profession don't charge another person in need, who belonds to the same profession as a courtesy. Shri Ram, along with Laxman had to cross a river. The kevat helped him (side store, this kevat, wiped the feet of god, else his boat would become a stone because of the dust on his feet. he also took in the river as its said he was the same tortoise who had to toil hard to get to the tip of a sheshnaga to touch vishu's feet.) The kevat didn't take any money from Shree Ram, mentioning he and the lord were in the same profession. Shree ram wondered, how is this possible and inquired. The Kevat said: Lord, I take people across rivers and seas, and you take souls through the oceans of karma. Please do me a favour and don't charge me when its time for me to cross the sea of karma/maya.

Blazing Fire vs a tiny light.

A general curiosity for vedanta is a good starting point. But it will extinguis in the face of worldly winds. Your spiritual journey, is to flame the fire of your knowledge until its a blazing fire. With that, you would be able to face all kinds of wordly ordeals and you may flinch, but will be able to recentre yourself in a moment.

Seeking Happiness is Human Nature. We go about it in ways which signal our journey from immature to mature.

We first try with adharma. By hook and crook. We are immature and want to be happy quickly. We realize this isn't sustainable and doesnt work Then we pendulum to the other extreme. We try to be too good, we over do it. We think by adding good karma in bucket load, we will be happy, we again fail to realize that such karma may make you content and happy but it doesnt take the pain away from the daily sufferings of life. Its still a cycle of suffering and we are still afraid. If we are enlightened, that's when we break through truly from this entire cycle of

Verse 37-38


Multiple kinds of intelligence

Quick IntelligenceCl Clear Intelligence Deep Intelligence

Just Like there are four kinds of learning quick to learn, quick to forget quick to learn, remember for a long time take time to learn, remember for a long time take time to learn, but quick to forget