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Manage Sensitive API Keys in Public Dotfiles Using PGP and SOPS

In modern development environment, it’s common to host dotfiles publicly—especially for sharing across machines or with the broader developer community. However, this convenience introduces security risks, such as accidentally exposing sensitive information like API keys, tokens, and credentials in public repositories. API keys for services like OpenAI, Anthropic, Google Cloud, and more, if exposed, can lead to security breaches and unauthorized access.

Startup CTO : Impatient , Lazy and how I learned the habit of plan-sprint-ship-document

I have an admission to make. I, as a person, am impatient and lazy. Impatient because I can’t stop myself from jumping from one problem to the other with absolutely no time. And lazy, well, lazy in the oddest of ways. Let me explain what I mean by walking you through some of my learnings in the last few years. This article would resonate with hands-on tech engineers who are graduating into more rounded/demanding/business/founder roles.